Innoventiv IP provides experienced Intellectual Property management and consulting services to help high technology, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device/diagnostic companies gain a business advantage by maximizing their IP assets.*
Innoventiv IP employs a powerful combination of in-house legal experience, scientific knowledge and strategic business perspective to address intellectual property issues in a practical, no-nonsense and cost-efficient manner.
Innoventiv IP Focuses On:
- IP Portfolio Evaluation
- IP Management/Strategy
- Transactions/Agreements
- IP Due Diligence
- Patentability & Freedom to Operate Searches & Opinions
- Generic Competition Strategy
- FDA/Hatch-Waxman Regulations & Exclusivities
- Patent Litigation Support
- Serve as Expert Witness for Pharmaceutical/Chemical Patent Litigation
- Part-Time In-House General & Intellectual Property Counsel

Technology Areas Include:
- Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals
- Biologics/Proteins/Peptides/Stem Cells/Monoclonal Antibodies
- Gene Delivery/Cell-Based Immunotherapy
- Medical Devices/Diagnostics
Call or E-mail Us Today**
Please contact us anytime for a complimentary consultation to discuss your IP or agreement needs! We look forward to hearing from you.
Phone: 484-667-6959

*See “Limitations on Representation Including Issues, Admission and Conflicts of Interest” section in Legal Notices, Disclaimers, Terms of Use and Privacy.
**Please note that for purposes of this contact you should not include any confidential or sensitive information in your transmission to Innoventiv IP, LLC as no attorney-client relationship is established unless and until a formal engagement agreement has been signed. Please see “Website Disclaimers” section in Legal Notices, Disclaimers, Terms of Use and Privacy.
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Innoventiv IP and the tagline “Experienced Intellectual Property Management” are trademarks and/or service marks of Innoventiv IP, LLC. All rights reserved.